To protect your commercial buildings from floods, it’s important to know that your commercial property insurance is probably not covering you for it. As a broker and an agent, we have many companies to get you the most competitive pricing for your California commercial flood insurance. If you are required to have California commercial flood insurance and you are in a flood zone, stop overpaying for insurance! We have been able to save companies thousands of dollars on their premiums by shopping through private flood companies.
Do I Need California Commerical Flood Insurance?
If you are in a flood zone, then yes it is a requirement to have flood insurance, but what if you’re not? Flood insurance covers damage done from rising water outside of the property. If you have a business where it rains heavy, it snows a lot, or has a body of water close by that could overflow, then you should heavily consider getting commercial flood insurance. Even if none of this applies to you, it still something to think about, as anything can happen, and when it does, it’s better to be prepared!
Even though California is pretty dry, don’t be fooled, heavy rains and snowfall do come around, and have caused serious damage in the past. Flooding almost always comes as a surprise, and damages are usually very expensive.
What’s Covered
There are certain events that are and aren’t covered when it comes to flood insurance, below are the incidents that are usually covered under a flood:
- Overflow of inland or tidal water
- Flash floods
- Unusual runoff of surface water
- Mudflow
What is usually not covered under flood insurance:
- Earthquake
- Landslide
- Sinkholes
- Gradual erosion
- Water accumulation on land causing it to move
Call now to get a free review of your current commercial or personal flood policy, or to obtain a free quote! Our number is 949-450-1822, and if you prefer email,