Our pets are more than just a furry friend, they are apart of the family and they cannot be forgotten when it comes to their health insurance. Our four-legged family members need dental visits, wellness check-ups, and when sick or injured to go get checked up and prescribed medications. Humans and pets are really not that different when it comes to their health and wellness! Get your pets insured with California Pet Insurance today!

What Is Included In The California Pet Insurance Plans?
The California pet Insurance we offer is top of the line. Each pet, just like humans, comes with their own personality, habits, and issues and because of this, each pet will need their own policy to tailor to their specific needs. We understand that your younger pup has less concern than your older dog who has developed more issues, so you can pick a higher deductible for a puppy with less concern. What is usually covered:
- Sick or injured pet vet visits
- Treatment at the vet to diagnose and treat illness or injury
- Cost of medicine vet prescribes to help recover and deal with pain
- Specific pet food and supplements that your vet has prescribed
- Training & therapies prescribed by your vet
To be covered for wellness checkups and exams, sometimes there is an option to purchase a Wellness Endorsement that will pay up to $750 on your pet’s general checkups and preventative care!
Don’t leave part of your family behind and insure your pets today! Call today and get your pets insured! 949-450-1822 or info@unity1.com