A lot of us in California are not ready to buy a home and are living in an apartment, condo, or home that we do not own. You may not own the property, but you probably still own some of the contents inside it. Repairing and replacing your things can cost thousands of dollars and California renters insurance is very well worth it.

What Does It Cover?
California renters insurance is a type of insurance that covers the renter’s personal property. It covers you if a thief breaks in and steals your stuff or if an unexpected fire occurs and burns your belongings. Each policy is different from each carrier, but they will all cover up to your policy limits. Liability and additional living expenses are also usually included. We offer very low prices for renters insurance! To figure out how much you need or exactly what you need to be covered, give us a call so we can help you! If you have things like jewelry, fine arts, etc. you may need to raise certain limits on your policy. We can tailor your policy specifically for you and make sure you and your things are covered correctly.
Landlord Insurance VS. Renters Insurance
One of the more common mistakes people make is thinking that a landlord insurance policy is the same thing as a renters policy. A landlord policy usually only covers the building. If you have made updates to your place (cabinets, sink, new stove) these are not covered under the landlord policy and you need to include these in your renter’s coverage!
Contact us today for a free quote or a free review of your current policy! Find us on Instagram and Facebook, @unityoneinsurance. Give us a call at 949-450-1822 or email at info@unity1.com. We look forward to hearing from you!