Life insurance policies can be a lifesaver for your family in the event that you do pass. Just think, how helpful would it be to your family if there is significant money saved for them? That money would come in to assist them with their living expenses when you pass. Accidents and sudden health issues can arise out of nowhere and you can never be prepared enough. This type of insurance will cushion the financial and emotional heavy burden that your passing may cause.
Types of Plans You Can Buy
Life insurance can be divided up into two types: Term life and Whole life. Whole life can also be called: permanent insurance and universal life. Our products for groups are different from individual plans.
Term Life Insurance is the most basic type of life insurance and pays out during the term of the policy which is usually up to 30 years. This type of insurance comes in two simple types- level term and decreasing term.
- Level Term offers the same death benefit throughout the policy term
- Decreasing Term is a policy where the death benefit falls year after year over the course of the duration of the policy.
Whole Life Insurance /Permanent Insurance/ Universal Life Insurance
Whole life also called permanent or universal, makes payouts whenever the term holder dies. With the classic or traditional whole life insurance plan, the death benefit and premium insures at the same level throughout the entire policy term. However, the payouts increase by $1000 as the insured ages and the amount becomes higher as the insured grows in age. For this type of insurance, your premiums will be higher in the beginning to compensate for the latter payouts. As an alternative, the policyholder will be able to withdraw cash from these types of policies when overpayments reach a certain amount.
We Have Life Insurance Professionals Ready to Help
Whether you apply for term life or whole life, not knowing or understanding what plans to purchase can be challenging. This is why our professionals are ready to answer any questions and direct you to the perfect policy that you need. Read our life insurance tips for some tidbits of helpful information.
If you would like to purchase quality life insurance, please contact our office to speak to one of our qualified experts. Call us today at 949-450-1822