Workers comp is something that your probably familiar with if you’re a business owner with any employees who work for you. In California, you are required to have worker’s compensation insurance if you have even one employee. Worker’s comp insurance covers employees who experience an injury while on the job and covers employers from being sued for an injury by an employee.
Listed below are people who usually need workers comp:
- Business owners that have employees that regularly work in California. Even if the head office is located in a state outside of California, if the employees regularly works in California, it is required.
- Business owner, if they have part-time or full-time employees
If you are one of these people and fail to carry workers comp insurance, the consequences can be high. A stop order to conduct business, huge fines, jail time, or a lien against an employer’s property to pay benefits to a worker that was injured and was uninsured are just some of the consequences you could face if you decided not to carry it.
What Does Workers Comp Insurance Cover?
Worker’s comp covers the employer and the employee. Workers compensation insurance covers things like:
- Death benefits (some burial expenses, any minors as dependents)
- Temporary disability benefits
- Permanent disability benefits
- Return to work supplement
- Supplemental job displacement benefits
- Medical care to cure or relieve
- Job retraining
- Any emergency services needed at time of injury
- The employer being sued for an injury by an employee
Whether the employee was at fault or not, benefits will usually be paid. In many cases, a claim can be denied, it is best to get with a lawyer when dealing with claims for workers comp. If the employee who was injured was intoxicated or engaged in aggressive behavior as the aggressor, it can be denied.
If you have any questions on what kind of insurance you need as a business owner, give Unity One Insurance a call. One of our experienced brokers will go over exactly what you need and give you a free quote. Contact us by phone at 949-450-1822 or email at info@unity1.com