It is so exciting buying a new home, the fresh scenery, and the rewarding moment when you finally pick the house you want. Everything is falling into place from the loan to the inspection but then you get denied homeowners insurance. You insured your last home for 30 years with this company, have had no claims, and always paid your bills on time, so what could be the problem? The problem is that your new exciting home is allegedly in a high brush zone. Due to all the fires throughout California, lots of insurance carriers will deem your house ineligible for home insurance if it’s too close to brush. When you buy a new home there are new risks in a new area so you have to start a new policy.

Finding High Brush Insurance
So you got the home, the loan, the rate, but now you need the homeowners insurance and you need it fast. We receive calls weekly of people rushing and frantic looking for someone to insure them in their high brush area. We even get realtors calling in very often that are worried and stressed. High brush wildfire insurance is a very precise market. The agent who is writing these policies can’t be just anyone, you really have to know what you’re doing. Here at Unity One Insurance, we have written tons of policies in high brush zones and are experts in this field. We have been writing policies like these for over 20 years and you can feel safe with us. We have never failed to make sure that your escrow closes on time and we work very fast to get those policies issued and sent out. Unity One works for you and we speak directly with the lender and escrow agent to get them exactly what they need from us.
What To Look Out For After Escrow
After home insurance policies are issued in California, there is usually an inspection that takes place. Sometimes when the property is getting inspected, they can find fire hazards and rescind the policy. Most of the time, it is fixable and the insurance carrier will give you a list of things you need to do to keep your coverage, i.e clear brush within 100ft of your home.
California high brush insurance can seem like a long and hard process but with Unity One we make it easy on you. Call, email, chat, or request a quote to get in contact with us! We look forward to speaking with you!