California wildfire insurance is getting very difficult to obtain for any home that is located in a high-risk fire area or that is near brush. These homes are a big challenge for insurance carriers throughout the state as wildfires in California have costs them billions of dollars. Claims for California wildfire insurance continue to increase, and as the claims increase, insurance companies start to panic. They can never really be prepared enough for a huge surge in claims so as a result, insurance carriers are canceling, non-renewing, or quadrupling the rates for California wildfire insurance policies. Homeowners that are currently in a wildfire area are getting dropped from their California wildfire insurance left and right. Large rate increases, non-renewals, and cancellations are at an all-time high in California right now.

What To Do If You Live In A Hazardous Area & Are Getting Denied Coverage For Your Home
It’s very common for homeowners to get turned down application after application when trying to get their home insured. This is making homes harder to sell and buy as lots of people don’t have the right person to talk to and think they have nowhere to turn. If you are in a high-risk area, definitely speak to us, we have scoured the market and know exactly where to place you and your home. We understand that you are worried and understand that you have struggled, but it is going to be ok. If you are getting denied coverage or are struggling, call us or a good insurance broker you trust. The process will be much quicker, easier, and no matter what area you’re in, your house will be able to get insured. Remember there are options out there for you and you can get insurance.
What Is The Solution To Obtaining California Wildfire Insurance?
To combat all these issues, a good trusted broker will be the solution for you. An insurance broker has access to many insurance companies and markets, leaving you with the best rates and with the best coverage. Since the market is tight for California wildfire insurance, sometimes a combination of insurance policies is needed such as the California Fair Plan and a Difference in Conditions policy. The California Fair Plan covers fire, wind, hail, vandalism, and malicious mischief. The Difference in Conditions policy or DIC covers the rest, like liability, water damage, falling objects, etc. We are very versed in this and can explain it in great detail, give us a call anytime at 949-450-1822 as we can be of great help. Get a free quote on your home by clicking here.